Sarah Silverman Apologizes For Lying About Being Paid Less Than Man For Same Job

Mediaite: Last week, an organization called Levo League released a video PSA in which comedian Sarah Silverman told an anecdote about a time she was paid less than a man for the same job. Now, after the comedy club owner she named in the story disputed the details, Silverman issued an apology statement to Salon, expressing her “regrets” over the mischaracterization of the situation.

In the original video, Silverman recounted a time that she did a set at the New York Comedy Club alongside her friend, comedian Todd Barry. While Barry was paid $60 that night, Silverman only got $10. “We did the exact same time, back to back on the same show,” she said. So, she went into the office of owner Al Martin and confronted him about the discrepancy, at which point she said he asked innocently, “Oh, did you want a $60 spot?”

“It was symbolic, I didn’t need $60,” Silverman said. “But it’s, um, you know, it’s pretty shitty.”…

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