EMMA GREEN: Is Christianity Dark Enough for Millennials?

The Atlantic: An interview with the author Rachel Held Evans about her new book and searching for authenticity in the church

“I caution against the idea that the way to get young people into church is to be hip and cool and have a pastor who wears skinny jeans.” Rachel Held Evans could have been talking about any number of much-hyped contemporary evangelical congregations: the Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, for example, whose pastor started a website called PastorFashion.com, or Mars Hill, the Seattle megachurch that dissolved amid controversy in 2014, but left behind a large network of congregations. Many of the fastest growing churches in America are exactly what Evans describes: Places with Sunday morning rock bands and chic websites and pastors who occasionally, yes, wear skinny jeans.

So there’s irony in her wry caution: Young people may be leaving the church, but for the most part, evangelical Christian churches are not the ones they’re leaving…

THE ATLANTIC – EMMA GREEN: Is Christianity Dark Enough for Millennials? – FULL ARTICLE